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Work Package 7: Interaction with research community and policy stakeholders and project management

The development of the conceptual framework based on functionalities was conditional on the openness of the project team and an intense discourse in the search for a new mindset for modelling. In order to test the intuition and acceptance of the concept for long term transformation analysis three external project workshops were held. Two of them addressed the scientific community and one workshop focused on the engagement of stakeholders. The first expert workshop took place in the first quarter of the project (April 2015), the second one close to the end of the project. The stakeholder workshop was held in September 2015. In order to harvest the most from these workshops we organised them in participatory manner and put an emphasis on small table group discussion.

The intellectual output integrating these discussions and the input from the external workshops is captured in the report ClimTrans2050 Research Plan and the accompanying exemplary model modules. WIFO carried out the project management.

Project partners
Umweltbundesamt Logo
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change Logo

ClimTrans2050 is funded by the Austrian Climate Research Programme (ACRP) of Climate and Energy Fund.


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